Monday, December 3, 2012

Self publishing made easy with Barnes and Noble

Are you a starved author looking to cut out the middle men to maximize the earnings from the sale of your book? Well, many writers want to jump in self-publishing venture. If you want to publish the book on your own, then Barnes and Noble can be the right self-publishing partner for you.
In today’s tech savvy world, everyone wants  to earn more. Thanks to the Internet that has provided the best global platform. Now, writers can get a book to market instantly by distributing it in electronic form. Online sites like Barnes & Noble offer E-books and offer instant gratification to keen readers.
It is very easy for readers. Just click a button, download a book and start reading. You can try your hand at e-book publishing, by submitting your work to Barnes & NoblePubIt. With this latest self-publishing platform, you can directly upload the book you have written to the Barnes & Noble eBookstore. Once you upload on this platform, Barnes and Noble act like your book distributor. Your book will be sold as a bona-fide ebook and you will get a nice profit from each ebook sale. The price range varies from $1 - $200. For books sold under $10, you will get 65% and 40% on books that are over $10.
How to self publish on Barnes&Noble-
Visit the Barnes & Noble PubIt! Website. Here you will need to have Barnes & Noble login information. Click "Sign In" and enter the account details. Now, proceed to the next section.
If you do not have an account, then you have to click "Create an Account" option. You will see a window displaying a sign-up form. You have to enter appropriate details including name, email address, etc. in the respective text boxes. After filling the form completely, create a password. And use this password in the given textbox. You have to fill all the contact Information including  city, state, country, ZIP code, phone number and cell number in the text boxes.
After that you will have to enter a name in the Publisher Name field.  Here enter a name which you desire to appear as the publisher of your e-book. In the "Publisher Website" field, you have to enter details of your website. Click "Continue." And you will be on the "Terms and Conditions" page.
Here you will get to see the "E-Book Publication and Distribution Agreement". Go through it and put a check mark next to "I have read and agree to the terms." Now, click continue and you will see the "Payment Information" page containing credit card, banking and tax details. You have to give this information, as the Barnes & Noble site will send you tax details and payments each year. When you are finished with all the details, click "Submit." This will  create your account. Now, get back to the Barnes & Noble PubIt! Page. Now, you can sign in with your account details.
Upload Your E-Book
When you are ready with sign in details and your account page, you can start to upload your book. At the top of your account page, Click "My Titles" option. Now, click "Add a Title" and you will see the "Add a Title" page containing form fields, which allow you to set pricing details and describe your book. Enter details in the required fields.
Now, click the "Browse" button. This button is in Section Two of the page. When you click it, you will see a window showing the files present on your hard drive. Select and double-click the file containing your e-book. Just press "Upload and Preview" tab and the site will start uploading the file. You can preview your book. After reviewing and verifying the book, your content will be uploaded. In section three, click the "Browse" button and find an image file, which you wish to use as the cover for your book. This is the optional step; however, Barnes & Noble recommends it to increase book sales. Double-click the desired image file, and then click "Upload" to upload the image and you are done with it.
Self-publishing is easy with PubIt! PubIt works by accepting your book as a digital upload in Microsoft Word, RTF, HTML, or TXT. When you upload files in any one of above mentioned formats, it will be converted into a ePub formatted file. Within a week your book will appear and go on sale in the Barnes and Noble eBookstore.
PubIt supports e-book publishing only. Besides automatic conversion and different file types, PubIt also offers a very decent and straightforward royalty schedule.
It is very easy to upload your book on Barnes& Noble. You have to keep few points in mind including editing process, cover design, etc. If necessary consult an expert and get ready to step into bright future now. 

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