Monday, April 29, 2013

Webinar: an innovative way to sell your book

Having a book with your name on it is simply one of the most effective ways to boost your income and build your business. As a published author, you can establish your credibility and expand your reach.
Many authors think that their task is over, once they complete the book. However, book editing and promotion are integral aspects of your success. You have to define your unique brand. You have to choose the correct publishing method, which will help develop your business. All in all, being a published author, you have to learn the secret ingredient, which will transform readers into clients. Nowadays, webinars are one of the effective ways authors can reach out to present to followers and get some new ones. Let us have a look at the different benefits of webinars-
• Build relationships with your audience.
• Raise your image as an Expert or Thought Leader.
• Order Taking or Selling.
• Finding Prospects – Whether you want to connect with a client, reader or customer, you can expect a constant flow of interested people.
• Demonstrating — explaining how something works.
• Informing and Teaching – Present information to your audience and increase their understanding and knowledge.
All in all, webinars can be an important tool for you. Let us have a look at 3 ways you can use webinars to help you as an author.
Market research- you have to think from a reader’s point of view. Understand what a reader is looking for. Generally, readers are looking for an author to help them with one or more of following things-
  • Answer their questions
  • Achieve their goals
  • Solve their problems
  • Meet their challenges
You can use a free Question and Answer webinar. For this, invite everybody in your network and turn up on the day. Spending an hour answering the queries asked by people can be an effective way to spread the word.  Keep in mind not to promote anything. Focus on giving answers to their questions. By providing an extremely valuable service, you will surely find out precisely what your target audience or market wants to know.
You can make it easier yet interesting by adding a few extra features:
  • Ask attendees to email you their questions in advance. This will help you have time to prepare your answers.
  • If you have prepared some structure for your book, then arrange the questions in a similar broad structure.
  • Record the webinar correctly.  Get it transcribed. Here you can get some new material for your book.
You can even use webinars for encouraging people to purchase your book as soon as it is launched. You can offer a bonus webinar for your customers who purchase it before a specific date. In such a bonus webinar, you can present an outline of the main concepts of the book along with the answers of readers’ questions. It is true that a webinar is just one of the many ways to promote “early bird” sales. However, it offers multiple benefits including-
  • As a webinar has a date fixed, this creates a deadline naturally.
  • It is not needed to restrict the offer to a specific number of readers as you can serve all these readers at the same instance.
  • The recording can be a product in its own right that you can sell independently or as part of a pack with the book.
Another option is a webinar series. The objective of your webinar series is not only to promote book sales; rather it should continue positioning you as an expert. This will help you remain in front of your target market’s mind.
Get ready to present your books to readers in a smart way now!

©2012-2013 Claretta Taylor Pam, Innovative Publishers Media Group & Innovative Publishers. All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 22, 2013

Vanity publishing: explore the truth in a Nutshell?

Have you heard about vanity publishing? Do you know what it means exactly? Vanity publishing is like a a double-edged sword. It is very natural for writers to be eager to get published. However, it pays to be cautious about the vanity publishers who will cheat you by taking your money and giving you very little in return.

In 1959, Campaigner Jonathan Clifford coined the term ‘Vanity’ to cover type of activity where the author is efficiently deceived into paying a sometimes fairly considerable sum by the publisher’s willingness to publish their book. After handing over the money, the publisher produces the book; however, usually very little is done to promote and market it and the sales can be very small.

For writers, vanity publishing is a way to get their books into print; however as mentioned above it comes with a cost. Vanity publishing is meant to make money by printing books that nobody else will publish. Numerous good vanity publishing companies are around us in the last few years; however, many disreputable ones are also creating a buzz.
A vanity publisher is supposed to do much more than marketing the writer’s book. You will find numerous companies claiming to do this for you. However, the fact is that the story ends there once you pay for your book to be printed. You have to do the job of selling your own book to stores. Many bookstores clearly state that they will not buy books from vanity publishers, though they may purchase books from local authors, provided that they meet certain criteria.
The main objective of the traditional publisher is to make money from selling the work of a writer. Besides printing the book, they have a team of skilled and experienced people in marketing books. With years of experience in this field, resources and contacts, they know how and where a book will sell. On the other hand, vanity publishing is aimed to gather a fee for printing the book. The writer can specify how many copies of the book she or he wants. Further, the writer can contribute in the art design of the book cover.
Vanity publishers have to seek out authors and the traditional book publishers do not have to. Many magazines and the Internet feature advertisements for vanity publishing. Keep in mind that Vanity publishing companies, which claim the sale of huge quantities of books are not to be trusted. Never get fooled with a promise that you will find fame and fortune with the publishing of your book.
Usually, vanity publishing companies are not choosy in the books they print. Money is their prime concern and these companies will print anyone’s book, without considering the quality. An author considering vanity publishing has more say in the royalties and book content but there is no assurance that the book will sell.
If you are considering vanity publishing, then wait. First send the book to enough traditional publishers and literary agents. Various popular authors have had their first book rejected several times prior to publication. Keep in mind that getting a book published is like winning the lottery.
If you are serious about a vanity publishing company, then you should think of it as a hobby. As a writer, you enjoy your work and finally a book being printed is an expenditure that could be applied to any hobby. Keep in mind that the main objective of vanity publishing is money, without any literary greatness.
Watch out for the vanity presses. Consult the acknowledged expert to find out specific information.

©2012-2103 Claretta Taylor Pam, Innovative Publishers Media Group & Innovative Publishers. All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 15, 2013

Using social media to promote your books

Are you looking for innovative ways to create buzz about your book? Do you know that you can quickly propel your business beyond the competition through social media? Well, according to recent research, over 75% of businesses are using social media to get the word out about their services or products. If you are not using it to promote your books, then it is time to jump on the bandwagon.
Why Social Media for Books?
A few years back, book promotion largely relied on the traditional press. Reviews from the right publications were a major constraint for the success of a book promotion. Obviously, it meant spending thousands of dollars, along with time and efforts. Social media is a very effective way for authors and publishers to develop relationships and expand their reach with potential customers around the world. Now, authors can have a collective audience who is just one click away from sharing your work with their friends on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
You can put as much, or as little, effort and time into online book promotion. Remember, the power to connect with potential readers is in your own hands.
It is true that no one-size-fits-all plan exists to promote books on social media sites. However, there are some important points to consider in connecting with your target audiences.
Blog- Blogs are easy to set up. Google and WordPress offer free blog hosting, with premiums costing just a few bucks per year. There is no need to write a line of code. You can choose free templates or can add functionality with free third-party plug-ins. Such plug-ins can be installed easily with just a few clicks. A successful blog is one with many frequent readers. It is very important to maintain a successful blog. For this, you have to post often. Further, you should respond to comments on your blog. Remember, a blog is beyond a diary or log. A blog needs the most work, as you design it, create it and shape the community.

Facebook and twitter-
Facebook and Twitter are the buzzwords today. You can post a link and it will reach all your friends and some of your friends’ friends. Create a Facebook page for your book to expand your reach. You can also think about a Facebook Ad. Of course, you have to pay for it, but you can get the results worth your investment. Twitter is a very popular network and just 140 characters can work miraculously. While setting up your account, make your user name quickly identifiable.

Rather than selling, learn the skill and art of sharing on social media sites. Further, sharing includes providing information to others when you can.  Remember that even when you are tweeting or posting about someone else’s book, this online activity still gets you in front of others as an author.
You have to enjoy your own social media activity. Remember, you have to invest time and effort in online book promotion. If you believe in your capabilities and writing skills, then spare a little time each day to connect with prospective readers online.  Choose the platforms that align best with your time commitment, interests and abilities.
Respond positively and constructively to criticism. Remove inappropriate or spammy comments. Observe conversations about you and your company.  Use social media to promote but not sell.  Nobody is interested in following someone on Twitter just to hear “Buy my book” over and over again. By providing discreet links to your sample chapters or book excerpts, you can sell it indirectly.
All above tips will help you use the powerful tool of social media to sell your books effectively.

©2012-2013 Claretta Taylor Pam, Innovative Publishers Media Group & Innovative Publishers. All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 8, 2013

Does my book need a trademark?

A great title plays an important role in a book’s success. Further, it helps create opportunities for manifold passive profits from licensing the sale of book-related merchandise.
What is a Trademark?
Searching for an appropriate title is like hunting for a hidden treasure. Correctly chosen and maintained, a book’s title can be your most precious intellectual property asset. Trademark law protects designs, words, logos and slogans as well. Further, it prohibits fraud by people who try to pass off their services or goods using the goodwill associated with a recognized brand.
The Benefits of Trademark Registration-
Federal registration is not essential. In the U.S., rights arise from authentic usage of a mark. In general, the foremost to either display it in connection with the services or fix the mark to goods and Trademark Office has the right to use and registration. Let us have a look at some benefits to trademark registration-
Registration can be used as a base for acquiring registration in foreign countries. 
Proof of the trademark owner.
Jurisdiction of federal courts may be invoked. 
If you are an author, then your goal should be to create multiple merchandise licensing income streams that flow from your book. Besides creating a bestselling book, you should also focus on best selling book byproducts. Think about audio products, distance learning courses, subscription newsletters, and income generating websites and television opportunities.
If you want to be a published author, you should keep trademark licensing rights to the title of your work. Prior to providing you with the tools you need to choose and protect the title of your book, it is essential to keep in mind that the copyright law does not protect book titles. Under copyright law, copyright protection only covers "original works of authorship." Unfair competition law and trademark protects against the confusingly similar use of source identifying designs and words of another.
If you want to launch a series of books or publish a book, you run the risk that someone may have already acquired the rights to a confusingly similar title. Similar to any other business, when you plan to launch your book, you aspire to choose a correct title, which is unique to you, and, if your book is an extension of your business, a title proficient to recognizing whatever your business offers. Keep in mind that trademark rights are granted on a first come basis.
A screening search will help discover how a trademark is being used in the market. If it is unlikely people considering your book will be confused about the sponsorship or source of your book, there is no trademark violation.
A trademark search, and an effective knowledge of this nuanced area of the law, is how you decide whether you can apply the title you have chosen. While choosing a title, an author must consider unregistered as well as registered marks. Improper search can lead to the risk of a lawsuit from someone who thinks that you are competing with them unlawfully. If you find a confusingly similar title, used for similar products, or even allied services, during the selection process, it may be unavailable for trademark registration or use with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Keep in mind that the art of searching and determining if a planned title is available for use is not for all time a simple proposition.
The timing of your search is grave. If you do not file an ITU (intent-to-use) federal trademark application, you should start using your mark immediately after verifying the availability of your mark. Trademark rights are awarded on a first to file - first to use basis.

©2012-2013 Claretta Taylor Pam, Innovative Publishers Media Group & Innovative Publishers. All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 1, 2013

Book Editing services

You have finished your short story, autobiography, or novel. Getting your work published deserves the time and effort. What if your readers find holes in your logic or spot grammatical mistakes in your work? This is where you need professional book editing services.

Does the story, plot, or narrative flow smoothly?
Do your sentences make sense?
Have you included enough details?
Are your paragraphs and sentences organized in a logical manner?
Have you overlooked any errors or inadvertently omitted necessary details?
Are the characters believable?

It is time to have an unbiased and experienced expert to review and edit your work. No matter what kind of work you have done, including fiction and nonfiction, there are various things, which need to be checked in your manuscript well in advance of its being sent off to a publisher.
Readers respect professionally written and carefully edited work.  Each mistake in spelling, grammar, organization or sentence structure can trip up the smooth flow of ideas. Book editing is a very essential process that needs education and skills. Book editors invest their time and efforts sorting out sentences, which require restructuring.

Book Editing is the process of choosing and checking grammar, spelling and typographical errors along with the word choice, tone, sentence structure and style in a book. It involves processes like modification, correction, condensation and organization.

Book editing services are more essential than ever for aspiring writers. It can make the difference between getting a publishing contract or not.

Why Book Editing?
• In today’s lucrative world, book editing is important to mark your presence.
• The editing brings a need to pay attention to the elements of nonfiction or fiction like structure, plot, dialogue, clarity, characterization, and strength of argument.
• The editing process starts with the idea for the work itself. Thus, editing is a practice, which includes human relations, creative skills and an accurate set of methods.
• Light edit, heavy edit and technical edit-
Light edit- also known as "minor change," this may be regarded as a change, which does not remarkably alter the structure, theme, tone, type facing, or other elements of intellectual property that are held by the author. It includes grammar and/or spelling corrections in a way which does not differ from the author's use of patterns. On the other hand, heavy edit refers to substantive changes in the tone, characters, structure, theme, or other elements of intellectual property held by the author. A "technical edit" is just similar to "fact checking". Sometimes this process can result in the same things. It depends on the manuscript. Sometimes, it involves much more than just reading a text and finding out flaws in logic or mistakes with an expert eye.
It is essential to understand that book editing is an important process and, in any case, a writer's originality will never be rewritten. As an author, you can see exactly what has been suggested or changed, giving one complete practical control.

You can look for a book editing service to have a superior manuscript. Many companies offer such services at reasonable rates. You just need to find a correct source. Look for a service that understands the importance of conserving the right of an author. Working with an experienced and skilled book editor will surely give you the best results. You can think about positive suggestions to eliminate or combine major threads in the book. Sometimes, you may even need to add more details in some places. As editors have more experience and knowledge about this field, through conversation with an editor, you can find inspiration to seek more in-depth support.  Rather than considering cost as a key factor, you should think about the experience and knowledge of an editing service before hiring one.

Start your quest for the best and get ready to have superior work in an effective way now!

©2012-2103 Claretta Taylor Pam, Innovative Publishers Media Group & Innovative Publishers. All Rights Reserved