Monday, August 12, 2013

What to do when your book is not selling

You work hard on creating your book. You have gone through each and every aspect of your work to make sure that your book is a success, but still it happens that your book is not selling. A marketing consultant does face questions like What to do when your book is not selling? The answer is not that simple. There could be a problem with marketing or with the content of the book. To improve the condition, you must also try to look at issues with yourself and your work also, and then try to make a proper decision. You just cannot blame the public if your work is not selling. The market never lies. It is not the problem of the public. There are million of books being published each day. Therefore, you need to be assertive and try to work on the issue, rather than blaming people around you.
You must first try to see what kind of market your work holds. You might have written using the best language and best words, but if it appeals to a small group of people, then the selling of your book will be less. Depending on the market size, literary agents measure the success of the book and then they accept the manuscript. Agents cannot give a chance to a book which only appeals to a small mass of people. Agents are well versed with the public and their interests, therefore, they will immediately know how much strength the book holds. Agents usually expect that a book must make a sale of around 10,000 to 20,000 copies in one year. If this possibility is more remote, than the agent will not accept the work.
It is not that the book is not good or the script is weak. But sometimes the subjects are not that powerful to attract the right audience. Therefore, understanding the requirements of the public and then creating a book is the smart thing to do.
Sometimes the first time writer overestimates their work. Even self published authors fail to realize the strength of the book and how appealing the book is. They have created the work with great passion, sincerity and hard work, therefore, they are emotionally overwhelmed and are blinded to realize the true potential of the subject. This stops them from cultivating a practical view and expectations.
The best way to prevent overestimating the readers is to make sure the earning history of other books that deal with the same subject. For example, you could search different bestseller lists, discuss with local bookstore managers, or follow the Amazon rankings and compare the earnings. Every writer desires to be a bestseller, but most books are written from a position that is too little to create bestseller sales.
The other situation is where the book has a huge audience, but still the public does not purchase that much. Writers get perplexed thinking of the reasons as to why their work is getting popular but still there is not much selling of the book. This baffling issue can be associated with different factors, for example, saturated type, poor economy, unappealing title, release of book on wrong time and date, too much cost, unsuitable page count, insufficient marketing, limited to seasonal subject content, etc.
If your subject is interesting and popular, readers will appreciate the content. However, if still the selling of books is not increasing, then you must try to think about the above mentioned factors. Depending on the factors, you must try to make important changes. During such a condition, you will have to invest more money and time in advertising your effort. You must also think about reducing your cost. You must try to re-release the novel at different time and you can also think about changing the title of the book. You must always remember, if your book is not selling, then the problem is with you; therefore, do not make a mistake and blame the public for that.

©2012-2013 Claretta Taylor Pam, Innovative Publishers Media Group & Innovative Publishers. All Rights Reserved

Monday, August 5, 2013

What readers expect from your author website

The use of technology in writing is not a very new thing, nowadays. It has become a necessity. An author is expected to have a website. If you introduce yourself as an author, people will first ask about your web address to see your work and then they will buy your book. Therefore, creating an author website is a mandatory task for a writer.

If you build your website, the work is not done there. You will then have to promote your work and your website. Readers are a somewhat critical crowd. They may have loved your first publication of the book, but maybe after a year when your next book comes you will have to promote it again to get the the audience's attention. Therefore, you just cannot take your readers for granted. You will have to take care of what they expect on your website to make them your loyal readers.

When a reader visits your website, they expect to have some exclusive content on the site. They expect to have some interesting features on your website. There should be some surprising stuff like MP3 players with stories and songs, and entire books. There are authors who give some free gifts to the readers who read the blogs on the website. This way the readers return to your website and purchase the books on your website.

A good author’s website keeps the readers engaged on the site with books and many other things. There should be information on new releases and old book information. The new book release should be advertised in a way that it creates excitement before the book comes to the stores. You can give readers a facility to pre-order the books before they release. A good pre-order sale can be very encouraging for both publisher and writer. It is a sign of the success of the book being released. You can show the amount of your pre-order sales to the readers to promote more sales.

Your website must show the speaking schedules and the location of your appearance. There are many readers who will just visit your website to know about your schedule and appearances. Readers like to know about the author’s schedule, this will increase the appeal of an author as a speaker and you will have a good number of visits to your website.

Book recommendations are the best subject on your website. Many readers like to see the recommendations and explanations and information on the book. By using this program, you will be able to make good sales of your book on your website. Book recommendations are a good profession in itself. You can write the book recommendations on sites like Amazon and can make extra cash out of it.

A good number of fan clubs can be very beneficial. Today, readers want to know more about their favorite authors. They want to create a personal relationship with their authors. They very proudly speak about having a favorite author on the friends list of social media sites. Creating a personal relationship with the fans has become much easier and faster on such sites.

It is not mandatory to know your personal life, but people want to know the person who creates their favorite books. They want to know what the writer likes and dislikes. They are curious about how their favorite writer works and from where he or she gets their inspiration. They want to know what kind of books the writer loves to read and to get a glimpse of your personality through these mediums. This is a very interesting relationship between the readers and the writer. Therefore, you can show your presence on social media sites and give links on your website.

A reader will definitely expect contact information on your website. You can give an email address so that a reader can send feedback about your book. You can personally answer the emails to get a good response from your readers.

©2012-2013 Claretta Taylor Pam, Innovative Publishers Media Group & Innovative Publishers. All Rights Reserved